Saturday 29 December 2012


"Perhaps I write because I see no better way to be silent", Ilse Aichinger

Durante a minha preparação para um teste, deparei-me com um texto interessante sobre o silêncio. Sei que as aulas já terminaram mas como silêncio era um tema presente em praticamente todas as short-storys e outros textos que estudamos, decidi partilhar convosco umas passagens:

Silence is not a semantic void, like any language, it is infused with narrative strategies that carry ideologies and reveal unstated assumptions. Silence is constituted by the absence. [...] langauge becomes the cover and the cover up for silence that nevertheless operates and becomes audible only through words. [...] there are two kinds of silence: "The first comes from too much knowledge, while the second is a refusal to become awere. This second silence is the escape into wich menory and guilt are repressed". (pág. 7)

Literature uses words to strategize silences, to contour avoidances, to reveal unstated assumptions, to disclose what it wants to hide or deny. (pág. 10)

(Fonte: Ernestine Schlant, The Language of Silence. West German Literature and The Holocaust, Routledge. New York 1999)

Ao ler estas passagens, o meu pensamento vagueou até à mãe de Oscar Wao, Belicia, e à short-story de Carlos Bullosan, Silence. Também, por outras linhas de reflexão, as short-story de V. Nabokov e de Toni Morrison me vieram ao pensemento.

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