Sunday 8 March 2020

HW for March 11 - commentary practice (again)

Comment on this excerpt from Sherman Alexie's "What you pawn I will redeem"

"I am living proof of the horrible damage that colonialism has done to us Skins. But I'm not going to let you know how scared sometimes I get of history and its ways. I'm a strong man, and I know that silence is the best way of dealing with white folks." (anthology, p. 56)

1.     contextualize the quotation and explain what you understand by it
2.     develop contrary and/or subsequent arguments
3.     establish relations with at least two other texts studied in class
4.     Express your opinion and justify it.
5.     Use sentence connectors to help you structure your commentary
6.     Mind the paragraphs
7.     Conclude. If possible, with a golden key.

1 comment:

  1. I have written my commentary on a Google Docs file.

    Rita Cunha
