Sunday, 29 January 2023

HW for Feb 3: Carlos Bulosan's "Silence" and B. Mukherjee, "Immigrant Writing"

 Answer one of the questions:

1) From your understanding of B. Mukherjee's short essay "Immigrant Writing" (anthology, p. 108-111), do you see Carlos Bulosan's short story "Silence" (anthology, p. 8-10) as maximalist, minimalist, or neither? Why?

2) Choose a small excerpt (up to 5 lines) of Carlos Bulosan's short story "Silence" (anthology, p. 10-11) and analyse what (and everything) you can about it.

Monday, 23 January 2023

Free (themed) timed writing


  1. For 7 min. WRITE. Don’t stop. Don't lift pen from paper.

  2. If you spell words wrong, don’t go back to edit. If the idea fades KEEP WRITING. This is crucial to the exercise. 

  3. Even if you have nothing on your mind, write “I HAVE NOTHING TO WRITE.” You can keep writing this over and over because it is okay. What you are doing is freeing your mind, and eventually something will surface even if you have to do multiple sessions of free writing.

  4. When the time limit is finished, STOP

  5. Then go back to the page. Read it slowly, and underline all of the ideas that surfaced during the session that pertain to the formal writing on which you are working. If the freewriting is too unfocused to use, take a break. Try a second session later, but try to maintain focused on the subject on which you are writing.

Welcome ... and HW for Jan 27

 See anthology p. 107-110 for a discussion of the concept of "Diaspora", choose either:

1. Choose a favorite theme from the album "The Living Road", and comment why you like it and how you find it related to the concept of "diaspora".

2. Comment on one (or more) passage(s) of the text "Edgar Allan Poe" by Rubén Dario (pp. 4-7) that may transmit an idea of the "North-American Diaspora".